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About Us

Since 2008 we are operating as a recruiting agency in Germany. We make recruiting - smooth and easy - for candidates as well as our customers.


Today we are a small group of passionate individuals from different industries and backgrounds, small companies and international matrix organisations.

But one thing we all have in common:
We all love what we do in Human Resources
! Our Vision is to find a long lasting solution for our customers as well as the candidates.

Part of our Team

Faces that do the magic, here is part of our crew that supports you on your journey.

iPad Winner

Simona hands over the brand new iPad

Ana, a software Developer from Cluj Napoca, Romania won the brand new iPad at the fair from us. Watch the Video:


Our Mission

To make your ride as smooth and good as possible while you get the best result.

Career in Germany. Application Tips. Career Coaching. Dream Job in Germany.

When would now be a good time to start?

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